电影 离别心事 第1集


空德·扎度蓝拉密 詹尼斯·奥普拉斯特普雷瓦·苏坦蓬卡约沙克·拉塔那尼塞萨希恩·奥帕查特布恩帕贡萨特雅克尔·查拉德桑尼·查特维里亚猜 电影 泰国 2019 查看整部剧情
这是苏在她的家乡尖竹汶府的最后时刻。她将在不久后前往芬兰学习。她最好的朋友百丽陪着她完成临行清单。也许是最后一次,她们骑着摩托车在熟悉的街上徘徊,穿过小镇的角落和缝隙,遇到不同的人,无论多么努力掩饰,总有些心结需要解开。BNK48组合成员Jennis和Praewa再触大银幕,共同演绎羁绊隐秘的少女心事。 Sue, the crazy girl that feels as if she was born in the wrong place. Sue, the crazy girl who hates her hometown and the Pork Liang Noodle shop. Sue, the crazy girl that loves her best friend Belle. But the craziest thing she's ever done is that she is about to leave everything behind, including Belle. If you were Belle, would you be foolish and let go, or would you be crazy enough to hold on?