电视剧 超人前传第十季 第21集


KevinFairGlenWinterMairzeeAlmasJeannotSzwarcJamesMarshall 汤姆·威灵艾莉森·麦克克莉斯汀·克鲁克迈克尔·罗森巴姆 电视剧 美国 2010 查看整部剧情
上一次我们见到ClarkKent的时候,他的胸口被蓝色的氪水晶刺中,从一栋高楼上掉了下去。Clark当然死不了!不然哪有「未来」的超人?「Kent老爸」本季会露上一面,超女(Sorry,不是那个「超女」)也会。不过,超女可能要杀Lois。Chloe本季只有五集戏份--在那之后,AllisonMack将离开该剧。不过不要紧,第10季本来就是该剧的最后一季。终于大结局了!虽然该剧没能打破《星际之门SG-1》创造的「美国最长科幻剧」的记录,但也平了这个记录。具有讽刺意味的是,正当剧组宣布将Chloe「扫地出门」时,漫画书版权商却宣布将这个《超人前传》原创的角色正式加入《超人》的官方体系,使之成为一个「合法」的《超人》角色。在新季首集中,Lois找到了失去知觉的Clark,从他胸口拔走了蓝色氪水晶,Clark开始自我治疗。但是在Clark清醒之前,Lois偷偷溜走了。为了寻找Oliver,Chloe不得不询问一些她本来不可能去问的人。Jonathan回到Kent农场,给Clark带来了一条消息。Tess在LuthorCorp公司的实验室里醒来。 As the sky above closes, after transporting the Kandorians and Zod away, Clark Kent drops from the crow's nest to the ground below as it rains all around him. Lois Lane, seeing him fall, runs to him and unsuccessfully tries to revive him. In his unconscious state, Clark finds himself in a spiritual astral plane of existence: Clark awakens in a cornfield. The sky above him is lit up in a combination of blue/green. Clark makes his way through the cornfield until he comes to the very place where he was strung up in his freshman year. Jor-El begins speaking to him about a great evil coming to Earth and what a poor mistake Clark made in sacrificing himself. Clark begs Jor-El to send him back, but Jor-El doesn't think he should. Opposite from where he became a scarecrow, a tombstone appears with his name on it. Jor-El tells him that is what is left of him, now that he sacrificed himself. Clark again asks Jor-El to send him back to be Earth's hero. Jor-El disappears and Clark sees Lex Luthor dressed in white. Suddenly there is a flash of light... Lois pulls the blue kryptonite knife out of Clark's body and throws it a great distance away from him, as the sun rises. As Clark starts regaining consciousness, Lois runs off and hides. She watches with delight and relief as Clark rises from the ground. His wounds heal and his powers are fully restored by the yellow solar radiation; Lois smiles as she watches him speed off. Meanwhile, at Watchtower, Chloe Sullivan is watching Oliver's footage from the attack, and sees Rick Flag appear, who says he is coming after the rest of the team. Chloe takes out a key and gets ready to leave, but is interrupted when Clark arrives. He explains that he died, but was brought back to life. Chloe is startled by this news. After Clark tells her of his experience, he also tells her he believes Lex is the great evil that Jor-El spoke of. Chloe tells Clark that she had kept close tabs of all of Lex's secret facilities, but mentions that anything previous to digital records could be found in the archive room at the Daily Planet. Lois heads to the Daily Planet, reviewing the archive database of Torch articles and of Clark's heroic deeds in his youth in Smallville (like saving Lana Lang and Pete Ross); she also finally understands why the the Kents were so protective of him. She realizes with a start that she is the last to find out, but turns off the computer just as Clark arrives. Clark is surprised to see her, but she tells him she postponed her flight to Africa, perhaps indefinitely. Clark spots the Blur stories lying around and asks if her decision to stay has anything to do with the Blur, Lois tells him about her kiss with the Blur, and Clark is secretly pleased he made such an impression on her with his alter-ego. When Clark mentions having a deadline on a story, Lois purposely drops her pen and goes under the table to find it, knowing he would super-speed to find what he was looking for. While she's not looking, Clark looks for the file he needs. After he finds it, Lois pretends to find her pen and comes out of hiding; as he leaves, she asks Clark if they could talk later. Clark agrees to meet her that night at the Kent barn, and leaves without noticing the smile on Lois' face. Clark calls Chloe and asks her to get some information for him about Cadmus Labs, but Chloe tells him she isn't at Watchtower. Instead, she is at the JSA Brownstone headquarters. Clark hears voices in the background and the word "Nabu". Chloe hangs up and takes the Helmet of Nabu out of its case. She asks it for Oliver's location and Nabu asks her if she is willing to give up her sanity for him. She agrees and the helmet wraps itself around her head. Clark quickly arrives on the scene to see Chloe lying unconscious, with the helmet beside her. Meanwhile, Oliver Queen is blindfolded, being held captive and interrogated violently against his will by Rick Flag who attempts to retrieve useful information from him regarding the Blur's connection to the cryptic alien symbols that appeared all over the world's famous monuments when Zod and his battalion of soldiers were declaring war on Earth. Tess Mercer wakes up in Cadmus Labs. She sees in her reflection that there is plastic placed over where her burns were. When she removes it, she finds that her face is healed. Unnerved, she leaves the room and comes across several clones of Lex. She stumbles and meets a young boy who calls himself "Alexander Luthor". He tells her that the other clones are his "brothers". Before Lex had died, he cloned himself so he could take what was needed from the clones to regenerate himself. Tess hears a banging coming from behind her and just as Alexander shouts not to open it, she does and an older clone of Lex escapes and attacks her. Tess tells Alexander to run, which he does, and she starts to fight the older clone. He recognizes her from all his original self's memories, but Tess continues to fight him. The clone gets the upper hand and sets the lab on fire, saying there can be only one Lex Luthor. Clark takes Chloe back to Watchtower, and Emil Hamilton confirms that Chloe is suffering from an overload trauma. Clark tells Chloe that she is the strongest person he knows, when she wakes up and tells him that Oliver was missing, but he will be all right. She tells Clark that she saw Clark being the world's hero and that he wasn't wearing black. Then she told him she'd seen fire when she put on the Helmet of Nabu; Cadmus is on fire. She tells him to go and save it. A moment after Clark has left the tower, with a look of sadness, she bids him farewell. Meanwhile, inside Clark's loft at the Kent Farm, Lois views a picture of herself and Clark framed on his desk. She sees the package Martha had left for Clark, and decides to take a quick sneak peek, and is truly delighted to see the new costume with the House of El emblem colorized. When she hears a creaking sound behind her, thinking it is Clark, she quickly places the lid back on the box and turns around to be knocked unconscious by Lex's degenerated clone. Clark arrives at Cadmus to find the lab in ruins but Tess handcuffed in another room. She explains that she didn't know how she got there, but all of Lex's clones were destroyed by another clone who left her alive to give Clark a message to meet him in Lawson's Field. Lois regains consciousness and discovers herself strung up as a scarecrow with a red 'S' painted on her shirt in a field. Lex's clone informs her that she is Clark's greatest weakness and attempts to break Clark emotionally by causing her death by setting the field ablaze. Clark arrives in Lawson's Field and confronts "Lex" who mocks him for the self-righteous attitude he claims Clark has developed and carried with him ever since Clark's very first rescue of Lex's life on Loeb Bridge. "Lex" tells him that Clark has a great darkness inside of him just like himself. "Lex" also insults the House of El family crest and states that the only reason anyone sees Clark as a hero is because he prides himself in cleaning up the disasters he originally caused. This causes Clark to momentarily lose control of his anger and he begins to choke the life out of his former friend's clone. Clark regains control of his emotions when he notices the blood coming from the clone's nose. "Lex" explains that Clark isn't responsible for his imminent death, but it is only the negative side effects of the accelerated cloning process. Before his death, "Lex" explains he has set into motion two chains of events to cause the world to hate Clark, which would ultimately destroy him emotionally. Clark could choose to save the citizens of Metropolis from the plummeting beacon of hope that was set to fall off due to a time bomb or he could choose to save Lois being crucified, surrounded by fire, in the very same field that he was strung up in as a scarecrow where Lex had saved his life. "Lex" taunts Clark, saying that he believes he isn't fast enough to save both. As Clark speeds away, the clone dies. Clark super speeds at maximum velocity to save Lois' life using his speed as a vacuum to disperse the fire surrounding the field and getting Lois to safety. Lois awakens to see that she had been rescued and whisperingly encourages Clark to stop "Lex". As the globe begins to fall, Clark arrives on the scene in Metropolis and super leaps up into the air, catching the globe and guiding it back to the top of the roof with the crowd below cheering him on in appreciation. Clark returns to his loft, intending to put on the colorized costume, only for the key to activate and transport both himself and the suit to the Fortress of Solitude which has been fully repaired. He informs Jor-El that he felt like he was flying and that he is now the hero he is supposed to be. However, Jor-El tells Clark that he almost took a life and that he is not the hero he wanted him to be. Clark says Jor-El told him he had unfinished business there, involving an evil he had to face. But Jor-El informs Clark the evil that he has to face is himself because the greatest threat Earth will face is coming and it will use Clark as its instrument of destruction. Jor-El explains that the dark force that is coming preys on the "darkness" inside peoples' hearts and uses it to corrupt and control them, and unless Clark rids himself of his faults, such as the arrogance and pride he has displayed recently, then he'd ultimately become Earth's greatest enemy. Jor-El also states that Clark cannot be a beacon of hope as long as there is darkness in his heart. Clark demands to know why did Jor-El send him back, but Jor-El responds that he didn't and that it wasn't his decision to give Clark back his life. Clark defiantly says that Jor-El may not see him as a hero, but the rest of the world does and that his fate is his own. Jor-El becomes disappointed and tells Clark that he regrets that his faith in him has blinded him to the truth, telling Clark he will never be Earth's savior. Jor-El then goes silent and Clark leaves. In the darkness, Chloe offers herself up in exchange for Oliver's safety without anyone's knowledge. At the Luthor Mansion, Alexander is seen playing with the toy soldiers belonging to Lex, with Tess watching over him like a motherly figure. Lois is seen in the desert, reminiscing over a photo of her and Clark as a happy couple. Meanwhile, back at the Kent farm, Clark reads a letter left by Lois, saying she "couldn't pass up Africa." Clark, saddened by Lois leaving, drops the letter to the ground. Outside the Kent farm, Clark sees Jonathan Kent who tells him that he is proud of the man his son is becoming. Clark is distressed by knowing that he has the capacity to kill, but Jonathan tells him that the measure of a man is defined by his choices in the face of his trials. He also tells Clark that he could be the greatest hero the world has ever known and that he knows Clark can do it. Furthermore, he tells Clark that he is more than the man he ever wanted him to be and that he can prove Jor-El wrong as he has done in the past, but he also states that Jor-El's prediction about something dark coming to Earth is correct. Meanwhile, at the crow's nest, Darkseid materializes from a cloud of dark smoke, flying into the air. Back in the Fortess of Solitude, Clark's costume is frozen in a solid ice crystal.