电影 我最好的朋友安妮 第0集


本·桑伯加特 艾科·比姆斯特布尔罗兰·芬豪特比约恩·弗赖贝格StefandeWalle泽索特·斯里AdélJordán约瑟芬·阿伦森洛蒂·赫灵曼TündeSzalontay 电影 荷兰 2021 查看整部剧情
This story is based on the memoirs of Frank's friend Hannah Goslar. The movie is based on the real-life friendship between Anne Frank and Hannah Goslar. Director Ben Sombogaart has stated that he frequently visited the real Goslar, who was in her nineties and living in Israel, to hear her story. She urged him to finish the movie as fast as possible, as she was in relatively poor health and desperately wanted to see it before her death. Despite delays in production due to the COVID-19 crisis, Sombogaart was able to show the finished movie to Goslar and her family, who all loved it.